Tuesday, December 3, 2013

That One Time I Prayed For Patience

Have you ever heard the saying "Be careful what you wish for"?  Well...sometimes I wonder if we should say "Be careful what you pray for" instead.  Now, I don't mean to say you should question what you are praying for, that's not it at all (although motives are always a good thing to consider!).  No, what I mean is, if you're going to pray for something you better be prepared for God to answer it!

Sometimes I think we become careless in our words, flippant in our vocabulary and even in our time alone with God, we pray for things without completely thinking things through.  Then, when God answers our prayer, we get surprised when we actually get a chance to practice that character trait we had been praying for.  And if you're anything like me, then you get frustrated with God....in your impatience.

Patience...patience is by no means a strong aspect of who I am.  Everyone who knows me well, knows this about me.  But don't get me wrong, I have my moments.  I will be patient with that slow driver in front of me, that new cashier at the store, or long waits for whatever I might be doing throughout my day until the cows come home.  I will be patient with that one friend I've been trying to offer guidance and advice to even if it goes in one ear and right out the other.  I will love until my love tank runs dry and then I'll love some more while just waiting and being patient.

But when God tells me to wait for something my heart so deeply desires?  That's when everything screeches to a halt.  Whatever the situation may be, I am TERRIBLE at waiting on God.  It's so hard for me to look at a situation and not get my hands dirty and fiddle with it.  It literally takes every part of me to sit back, grit my teeth and let things be.

I have a few things going on right now that I have talked to God about.  I have prayed for guidance, wisdom, for the strength to wait on Him and let Him control and for yup, you guessed it...PATIENCE.  I know my heart behind that prayer, but I really don't think I was prepared for what was to come afterwards...

Ever since God has made it absolutely clear that I must stay in those situations I previously mentioned and wait for his cue to move and to let Him handle everything.  The good news is that He heard me and answered my prayer.  The not as exciting news is that He has given me the opportunity to practice the patience I so desire.

Now begins the long drawn out process of waiting.  It's so hard for me when God only gives me enough light to see my feet!  I get so impatient and frustrated when he doesn't give me enough to see where to take the next step.  But that's where faith and trust come in.

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" -Hebrews 11:1

And there is more good news!  God is so full of grace and good things despite my weakness.

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" -2 Corinthians 12:9

Don't get me wrong, I by no means regret praying for patience, I'm actually glad I did!  I know the season He has me in will grow me beyond my wildest dreams and that's pretty exciting.  Is it hard?  Oh yes, but when is growing in an area of life you struggle in ever easy?

"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently" -Romans 8:25

The lesson I learned is to realize what is coming out of my mouth so that I can prepare my heart accordingly for what is to come, moments to practice those Christ-like traits that I so desire.  Next time, maybe I won't be as surprised by all that comes my way.

My hope for you is the next time you pray, think about the words and be prepared for God to answer and help you to practice what you're praying for too.

God is so good and I so look forward to what's coming next!

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